This guide provides instruction on configuring both Medical-Objects Capricorn and Monet software to import electronic results.
If you require any assistance with the installation or configuration, or if you have any questions, please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.
If you have not Installed the Medical-Objects Download client, Please see the guide for Installing Capricorn on Windows.
Configuring Capricorn Software
Accessing the Capricorn Configuration Window
- To launch the HL7 Tray application, Go to Start Menu, All Programs, Medical-Objects and select the Medical-Objects Capricorn. Alternatively, You can go to C:\MO\Capricorn and run the Capricorn.exe.
- The following icon will appear in the tray. Double click on it to bring up the log window.

- When the log window is displayed, Click on the Configuration icon highlighted below, or select Utility and select Configuration.
Capricorn Configuration Settings
- Click on Ack Management.
- Set the Ack path to C:\MO\Capricorn\APPLICATION_ACKS

- Click on Integration Options.
3.1 Check that the Incoming Modifier is set to Monet

- Select Server Parameters from the left hand panel.
Enter the path to drop off results to - for this exampled we'll use C:\Pit\Hold

If receiving from Pathology and Radiology, Set the file paths as follows.
Pathology --> C:\Pit\Path
Radiology --> C:\Pit\Img
- Click Apply and OK to save your configuration.
Configuring Monet
- To access the result input configurations go to the ‘Monet palette’ window of Monet.
- Click on the Check Result Icon in the left pane.

- Click on the Configure Button shown below.

- The results input path screen will be displayed.
Importing Pathology & Radiology Results
- Open Monet, and from the Palette screen, click the Check Results button to open the Check Results screen.

- Click the PIT tab and then click the Check button to import the new results into Monet.
- The PIT Pathology Results message box will appear advising that the results have been imported. Click the OK button.

- Repeat steps 1-3 for each Pathology and Radiology company from the external downloading software.
- Each pathology & radiology company data must be downloaded and subsequently imported into the Check Results screen one company’s group of results at a time. Do not combine the process of downloading the data for each company and then attempt to import them together.
- The imported results will display in the Check Results screen. The results will automatically match to a Patient if all the Patient’s details within the result file (the. pit file) match the Patient’s demographics in Monet.
- Where the imported results cannot match to a Patient’s file, a red cross will be displayed in the Match column.

- Click the Match button on the top toolbar to display the Patient Match screen.
- Type in the Patient’s name to perform the search and then click the Match Again button.