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This article is to assist with the setup of Medical Objects and Direct Control


  1. Direct CONTROL version or higher is required. This can be checked in the top right corner of Direct CONTROL
  2. Capricorn or higher is required.

Configuring Capricorn Software

Accessing the Capricorn Configuration Window

In some cases, the Capricorn may be configured as a service. See this guide for instructions on how to launch the Capricorn if it is set up as a service. 

  1. To launch the HL7 Tray application, Go to Start Menu, All Programs, Medical-Objects and select the Medical-Objects Capricorn. Alternatively, You can go to C:\MO\Capricorn and run the Capricorn.exe.
  2. The following icon will appear in the tray. Double click on it to bring up the log window.

  3. When the log window is displayed, Click on the Configuration icon highlighted below, or select Utility and select Configuration.


Capricorn Configuration Settings

  1. Click on Ack Management. Set the Folder for Acks created by this practices PMS (Receiver) to the HL7 Out path in the walkthrough here: HL7Out

  2. Click on Integration Options. 
    3.1 Check that the Incoming Modifier is set to Direct CONTROL

  3. Select Server Parameters from the left panel.

    The paths above are set as follows:

    (Capricorn installed on a Direct CONTROL Server Machine) --> E:\InstallFolder\DirectControlServerFiles\HL7\HL7In\
    (Capricorn installed on a Direct CONTROL Client Machine) --> \\server\InstallFolder\DirectControlServerFiles\HL7\HL7In\

    If the folder does not exist, You must create it.

  4. The Medical-Objects configuration is complete. Click Apply and OK.

Direct CONTROL Import Configuration

In Direct CONTROL navigate to  Utilities → Configure

HL7 In

If paths are not populated click "Load Defaults" then "Install/Upgrade"

Change settings as required.

Set the download path in HL7 In Location as the first setting in HL7 Basic Setup.

Select "Start" button

HL7 Out

This is currently only for return acknowledgements sending messages directly from Direct CONTROL has not been finalised.

Set the "Save Acknowledgement messages to:" path.


Regular Tasks --> Communications/Results

If Direct CONTROL was not able to find a match for an existing Client, the documents will appear in the Unallocated tab.

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