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To configure the Professional Print layout you must first tell Explorer to save and use the configurable templates. If you have not already done so  Save the Report Templates to disk.

There is an editor in development but currently we must edit the files manually. First you must select the CSS_TEMPLATES directory. On a standard install this will be located at C:\MO\Clients\CSS_TEMPLATES

Overall Structure

Basically the structure for the Professional printout can be regarded an amalgamation of three separate web pages. A basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is all that is needed to modify these files. The page is divided into the Header page, the Body page and the Footer page.

The Header Page

The header appears at the top of each page. It is automatically sized to fit the text. The Header Page uses the file "Path1_Header.html" as its base page. Modification of "Path1_Header.html" will only affect the header portion of the document

Header HTML Structure

The header html structure is just a basic HTML page. Shown below is the default structure at the time of writing. <#xxxxxxx> are subsitution tags


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css" >
<title>Pathology Report</title>
< div id="DeliveryNameAndAddress">
< div id="ReportHeaderDetails">
< div id="LabNumber">
< div id="Patientname">
Patient: <#PatientName>
< div id="Patient_Address">
< div id="DOB">
< div id="Received">
Collected: <#Testdate>

Each div should have an ID that corresponds with a CSS ID eg #DeliveryNameAndAddress in the css file will affect the setting in < div id="DeliveryNameAndAddress">

The Body Page

Body CSS

The Footer Page

The footer appears at the Bottom of each page. It is automatically sized to fit the text. The footer uses the file "Path1_Footer.html" as its base page. Modification of "Path1_Footer.html" will only affect the footer portion of the document

Footer Structure

The footer html structure is just a basic HTML page. Shown below is the default structure at the time of writing. <#xxxxxxx> are subsitution tags


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css" >
<title>Pathology Report</title>
< div id='Footer'>
Page <#PageNumber> of <#PageCount> Copies to: <#CopiesToHorizontalWithoutCurrentXCN>

Body Structure

The Body structure of the printout is stored within the program and is not currently user modifiable.

Header/Footer CSS Structure

Both the header page and the footer page share the same CSS files. The css files are combined depending on the printout paper size. If A4 then Path1_Default.css and Path1_A4.css are combined else Path1_Default.css and Path1_Custom.css get combined. Values in the second css file will overwrite the first. However groups are combined.

Header/Footer CSS Example 1

if we have in Path1_Default.css

#LabNumber {
position: absolute;

and in Path1_A4.css we have

#LabNumber {
position: relative;

then result will be

#LabNumber {
position: relative;

Header/Footer CSS Example 2

if we have in Path1_Default.css

#LabNumber {
position: absolute;

and in Path1_A4.css

#LabNumber {
position: relative;


then result will be

#LabNumber {
position: relative;

  • No labels