Lets get the value of the observation, check it against a threshold and then generate the comment as a system generated observation. Replace the previous GELLO file with the following from the line that starts with "Let incoming_retic.."
Let incoming_retic_value: PQ = observations->select(observationCode.implies(retic_LN).value) ->sortedBy(dateTime).last().value.oclAsType(PQ)
--do Booleans or Tests Let highRetics: Boolean = If incoming_retic_value.oclIsDefined() then if incoming_retic_value > PQ{value = 100, unit = '10*9/L'} then true else false endif else false endif
-- prepare comment Let commentCode:CD = CD{code = '8251-1', codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1', codeSystemName ='LOINC', displayName = ST{value='Comment'} } Let highReticsCommentObs: Observation = Observation{observationCode = commentCode, value = ST{value = 'Raised reticulocytes, consider haemolytic anaemia and blood loss as causes.'} } -- result
Let result:Sequence(Observation) = Sequence{highReticsCommentObs } result |
And after running this we can see the result in the variables on LHS: