So far we have retrieved the reticulocytes observation. This time we will test the value of that against a threshold, and if abnormal generate an onscreen comment.
This will be in the form of a new observation. This can be persisted if the mode metadata is changed to 'Server' .
Lets get the value of the observation, check it against a threshold and then generate the comment as a system generated observation. Replace the previous GELLO file with the following from the line that starts with "Let incoming_retic.."
Let incoming_retic_value: PQ = observations->select(observationCode.implies(retic_LN).value) |
And after running this we can see the result in the variables on LHS:
The GELLO can be saved locally, then uploaded to the Decision Support Repository using a different top menu choice in Explorer Online. This then enables the script to run in the results UI.