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This article is for Medical Objects staff and integrators wanting to make sense of responses to recipient lookup requests.

Recipient installed in network to receive messages


"staffIDList": [{
        "class": "CX",
        "idNumber": "0135958A",
        "assigningAuthority": {
            "class": "HD",
            "namespaceID": "AUSHICPR"
        "identifierTypeCode": "UPIN"

"activeFlag": "A",

"hospitalService": [{
        "class": "CE",
        "identifier": "True",
        "nameOfCodingSystem": "MO_ROUTABLE"

Use the idNumber value where assigningAuthority namespaceID = AUSHICPR for addressing messages to a recipient. If AUSHICPR is not available then fall back to namespaceID = Medical-Objects + universalID = 7C3E3682-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000 + universalIDType = GUID instead but always use AUSHICPR if available.

activeFlag must be A

hospitalService where nameOfCodingSystem is MO_ROUTABLE must have an identifier of True.

Note recipients that are not installed may also be returned and will have an identifier of False for hospitalService  where nameOfCodingSystem is MO_ROUTABLE. These recipients should not have messages addressed to them for delivery.

staffName and other values can be used at the integrators liberty.

telecommunicationEquipmentType correlates to the Australian Standard Table 0202.

addressType correlates to the Australian Standard Table 0190 though the international HL7 2.3.1 standard has a wider list.



Use provider_no for addressing messages to a recipient.

current tag must be true.

Other tags can be used at the integrators liberty.

Note only recipients installed in the network will be returned.

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