Should you require any more information or have encountered a problem, please call the support helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.


This guide contains the instructions to install the Medical-Objects Download Client (Capricorn) on a Windows operating system. 

If you have any questions or require any assistance, Feel free to contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

Installation and Configuration of Capricorn Software

  1. Download the latest Capricorn from the following link.


  2. The link on the download page looks like the following:

  3. The following window will appear:

  4. Click on Save.

  5. The following Save As window will appear. Save the Capricorn-Setup.exe in the directory C:\MO


    If the directory does not exist, Create it.

  6. Once you have clicked Save, the following download screens will appear


  7. After it has been downloaded, click Run. If a Security warning comes up again, Click Run Again. 

  8. Once you have clicked Run, the installation process starts.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Click Install. 

  12. The following window will appear.

  13. The Setup wizard is now complete.

  14. Click Finish.

Registration Process

  1.  Once the setup is complete you will need to enter the Token or Serial key provided by the Medical-Objects help desk.


    The Token or Serial Key can be emailed to you. If you do not already have a token, Please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

    Warning: Do not tick "Use Internet Explorer Connection Settings" unless you know you have a content filtering system or proxy that requires it. If this is the case please notify the Medical Objects staff member you have done this as it will affect some features of the Capricorn. Specifically the Capricorn will not be contactable via HTTPS.

  2. From the email, copy the token and click the Paste Token link.


    This will automatically fill in the Registration Token for you.


  3. Click I Agree.

  4. The PGP Key Generation Window will then appear.

  5. Enter pgp in lowercase into both fields. Then click Next.

  6. The following window will appear.


  7. At this window you can just type anything to make the blue bar move to 100%, then click Next.

  8. The following window will appear.

  9. Click Finish.


    The main installation of the Medical-Objects Capricorn is now complete. The HL7 Tray icon will now be shown in the system tray located at the bottom right hand corner of the desktop.

The installation of the Medical-Objects Download client is complete. Please continue to the Practice Software Configuration Guides.

For instructions on  configuring the Capricorn as a Service, Please see This Guide. 

For instructions on configuring notifications, Please see This Guide.

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