Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Modules can be loaded from XML.

This is the guide to put in data-types of collections we need to know.

ISO BL - Boolean

Bl.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="BL" value="true"/>
<example xsi:type="BL" nullFlavor="UNK"/>

ISO ED - Encapsulated Data
Ed.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="ED" mediaType="image/jpeg">

VGhpcyBzaG91bGQgYmUgYSBKUEcgRmlsZSAoYnV0IGlzbid0IGZvciBzaW1wbGlja XR5IG9mIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlKQ==
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" value="this is plain text" mediaType="text/plain" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" value="this is plain text" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" flavorId="ED.TEXT" value="this is plain text" language="en" mediaType="text/plain" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" flavorId="ED.TEXT" value="dieses ist normaler Text" language="de" mediaType="text/plain" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" value="this is plain text" language="en">
<translation xsi:type="ED" value="dieses ist normaler Text" language="de" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" value="this is plain text" language="en-ca">
<translation xsi:type="ED" value="ce ci est du texte non structuré" language="fr-ca" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED">
No Format
<example xsi:type="ED" charset="UTF-8">
No Format
 <aED_IMAGE xsi:type="ED" mediaType="image/jpg">
<reference value="" />
No Format
 <aED_IMAGE xsi:type="ED" mediaType="image/jpg" compression="GZ">
<reference value="" />
No Format
 <aED_TEXT xsi:type="ED" mediaType="text/xml">


No Format
 <aED_TEXT xsi:type="ED" mediaType="text/xml" charset="ASCII">


No Format
 <aED_TEXT xsi:type="ED" mediaType="text/xml">
<child>This is some text in the child</child>
This is some text in the parent
No Format
 <example xsi:type="ED" mediaType="application/pdf" compression="GZ">


No Format
<aED_IMAGE xsi:type="ED" mediaType="image/png">
<reference value="">
<useablePeriod xsi:type="IVL_TS">
<low value="200007200845" />
<high value="200008200845" />
<thumbnail mediaType="image/jpeg">



ISO ST - Character string

St.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="ST" value="Example ST. Make sure that the HL7 delimeters are escaped properly, they are |, ~, ^, &, \."/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="ST" value="This is some content" validTimeLow="200506011000" validTimeHigh="200507031500"
No Format
<example xsi:type="ST" language="en" value="cellulitis of the left foot"/>

ISO SC - coded string

Sc.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="SC" value="Intestinal nematode infection">

<displayName value="Intestinal nematode infection (disorder)"/>

No Format
<example xsi:type="SC" value="Lung nematode infection"/>

ISO CD - Concept Descriptor Type

CD.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="CD" code="784.0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42">
<displayName value="Headache" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="784.0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42">
<displayName value="Headache" />
<originalText nullFlavor="NI" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="784.0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42">
<displayName value="Headache" />
<translation nullFlavor="NI" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="784.0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42">
<displayName value="Headache" />
<translation nullFlavor="NI" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="784.0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42" codeSystemName="ICD-9">
<displayName value="Headache" />
<originalText value="general headache" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="G44.1" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.3" codeSystemName="ICD-10">
<displayName value="Headache" />
<originalText value="general headache" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="NI"/>
<example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"/>
<example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.19.11.1" valueSetVersion="20070711" />
<example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96">
<originalText value="Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="burn" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2">
<originalText value="Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="A10.1" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42">
<originalText value="Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96">
<originalText value="Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance" />
<translation code="burn" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96">
<originalText value="Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance" />
<translation id="s1" code="burn" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2" />
<source xref="s1" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" />
<example xsi:type="CD" nullFlavor="OTH" valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.19.11.1" valueSetVersion="20070711" />
<example xsi:type="CD" code="128045006:{363698007=56459004}" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.42" codeSystemName="Snomed-CT">
<originalText value="Cellulitis of the foot" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="CD" code="J21.8 B95.6" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.260" codeSystemName="ICD-10 Dual Code Expression">
<originalText value="Staph aureus bronchiolitis" />


ISO CS - Coded Simple
Cs.pngImage Removed
Image Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="CS" code="NS"/>

ISO TEL - Telecommunication Address
Tel.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="TEL" value=""/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TEL" value="tel:+15556755745" use="H WP" capabilities="voice fax"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TEL" nullFlavor="UNK" value="tel:" use="H"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TEL" value="tel:+1(555)6755745;postd=545" use="WP"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TEL" value="tel:+15556755745;postd=545" use="WP"/>

ISO II - Instance Identifier
Ii.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="2.16.840.1.113883.12.333" extension="45634353344" reliability="UNV" scope="BUSN"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1" extension="123456789" reliability="UNV" scope="BUSN"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="9999999484" reliability="VRF" scope="BUSN"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="" extension="1234567892" reliability="VRF" scope="OBJ"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="D6A7AB37-4220-4D80-9052-8A4959A203E3" reliability="ISS" scope="VER"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.34" extension="2345344" reliability="ISS" scope="OBJ"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="II" root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.462" extension="976295765" reliability="VRF" scope="VER"/>

ISO AD - Address
Ad.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="AD" use="WP">
<part value="1050 W Wishard Blvd," />
<part type="DEL" />
<part value="RG 5th floor," />
<part type="DEL" />
<part value="Indianapolis, IN 46240" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="AD" use="WP">
<part type="AL" value="1050 W Wishard Blvd" />
<part type="AL" value="RG 5th floor" />
<part type="CTY" value="Indianapolis" />
<part type="STA" value="IN" />
<part type="ZIP" value="46240" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="AD" use="WP">
<part type="SAL" value="1050 W Wishard Blvd" />
<part type="ADL" value="RG 5th floor" />
<part type="CTY" value="Indianapolis" />
<part type="STA" value="IN" />
<part type="ZIP" value="46240" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="AD" use="WP">
<part type="BNR" value="1050" />
<part type="DIR" value="W" />
<part type="STB" value="Wishard" />
<part type="STTYP" value="Blvd" />
<part type="ADL" value="RG 5th floor" />
<part type="CTY" value="Indianapolis" />
<part type="STA" value="IN" />
<part type="ZIP" value="46240" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="AD" use="HP"> 
<part type="STR" value="Windsteiner Weg" />
<part type="BNR" value="54a" />
<part type="CNT" code="DEU" codeSystem="1.0.3166.1.2" value="D" />
<part type="ZIP" value="14165" /> 
<part type="CTY" value="Berlin " />
<example xsi:type="AD" use="WP" nullFlavor="UNK"/>

ISO EN - Entity Name
Image AddedEn.pngImage Removed

No Format
<example xsi:type="EN">
<part type="GIV" value="Adam" />
<part type="GIV" value="A." />
<part type="FAM" value="Everyman" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="EN" use="IDE">

<part type="FAM" value="木村"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="通男"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="SYL"> 
<part type="FAM" value="きむら"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="みちお"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="ABC"> 
<part type="FAM" value="KIMURA"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="MICHIO"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN"> 
<part type="FAM" value="ЕМЕЛИН"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="ИВАН"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN"> 
<part type="FAM" value="EMELIN"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="IVAN"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR"> 
<part type="GIV" value="Jan"/> 
<part type="GIV" value="Erik"/> 
<part type="FAM" qualifier="MID" value=" Östlund"/> 
<part type="FAM" value="Erikson"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN"> 
<part type="GIV" value="Jan"/> 
<part type="FAM" value="Erikson"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="T"> 
<part type="GIV" value="Margrete Jente"/> 
<part type="FAM" value="Hansen"/>
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="GIV" value="Karin" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="MID" value="Hansen" />
<part type="FAM" value="Erikson" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR">
<part type="GIV" value="Karin" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="MID" value="Erikson" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="SP" value="Berg" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="C">
<part type="GIV" value="Karin" />
<part type="FAM" value="Berg" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN">
<part type="GIV" value="Peter" />
<part type="GIV" qualifier="CL" value="James" />
<part type="FAM" value="Chalmers" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR">
<part type="GIV" value="David" />
<part type="GIV" value="Woodford" />
<part type="FAM" value="Smith" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="C">
<part type="GIV" value="Woody" />
<part type="FAM" value="Smith" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR">
<part type="GIV" value="Uy" />
<part type="GIV" value="Dung" />
<part type="FAM" value="Nguyen" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="C">
<part type="GIV" value="Dennis" />
<part type="FAM" value="Nguyen" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="GIV" value="Grahame" />
<part type="GIV" value="David" />
<part type="FAM" value="Grieve" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P">
<part type="GIV" value="Junior" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="TITLE" value="Dr" />
<part type="GIV" value="John" />
<part type="GIV" value="Paul" />
<part type="FAM" value="Jones" />
<part type="TITLE" qualifier="SFX" value="III" />
<part type="DEL" value=", " />
<part type="TITLE" qualifier="AC" value="PhD" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="GIV" value="Mary Jane" />
<part type="FAM" value="Contrata" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="GIV" value="Karen" />
<part type="FAM" value="Van" />
<part type="FAM" value="Hentenryck" />

No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR C">
<part type="GIV" value="Selby" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="SP" value="Butt" />
<part type="FAM" value="Beeler" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR OLD">
<part type="GIV" value="Mary" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="CL" value="Selby" />
<part type="FAM" value="Butt" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR A OLD">
<part type="GIV" value="Jacqueline " />
<part type="GIV" value="Janette" />
<part type="GIV" value="Patricia" />
<part type="FAM" value="Campbell" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P OLD">
<part type="GIV" value="Ruth" />
<part type="FAM" value="Brinkman" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P OLD">
<part type="GIV" value="Ruth" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="SP" value="Grieve " />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR">
<part type="GIV" value="Jacqueline" />
<part type="GIV" value="Janette" />
<part type="GIV" value="Patricia" />
<part type="FAM" value="Grieve" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="C">
<part type="GIV" value="Jacque" />
<part type="FAM" value="Grieve" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="C OLD">
<part type="GIV" value="Jacque Ruth" />
<part type="FAM" value="Grieve" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="M">
<part type="FAM" value="Brinkman " />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR OLD">
<part type="GIV" qualifier="BR" value="Del-Roy" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="BR" value="Burgess" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P">
<part type="GIV" value="Yor-Led" />
<part type="FAM" value="Ssegrub" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR ABC OLD">
<part type="GIV" qualifier="AD PFX" value="Abdul" />
<part type="DEL" value="-" />
<part type="GIV" qualifier="AD SFX" value="Malik" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="AD" value="Shakir" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="OR ABC C">
<part type="GIV" qualifier="AD" value="AbdulMalik" />
<part type="FAM" qualifier="AD" value="Shakir" />
<part type="TITLE" value="Sr" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P DN">
<part type="GIV" qualifier="AD" value="Abdul" />
No Format
 <example xsi:type="EN" use="P">
<part value="AMS" />

ISO INT - Integer

Int.pngImage RemovedImage Added


No Format
<example xsi:type="INT" value="23"/>
<example xsi:type="INT" nullFlavor="NASK"/>

ISO CO - Coded Ordinal
Co.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="CO" value="1">

<displayName value="Poor"/>


ISO REAL - real
Real.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="REAL" value="0.36"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="REAL" value="23.0005"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="REAL" value="23.00"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="REAL" value="23" uncertaintyType="N">
<uncertainty xsi:type="REAL" value="0.87" />

ISO RTO - Physical quantity interval
Rto.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="RTO">
<numerator xsi:type="REAL" value="1"/>
<denominator xsi:type="REAL" value="3"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="RTO">
<numerator xsi:type="MO" value="103.00" currency="USD"/>
<denominator xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit="day"/>

ISO PQ - Physical Quantity
Pq.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="PQ" value="3.5" unit="/pL">
<originalText mediaType="text/plain" value="3.5"/>
<translation code="x10*12/L" codeSystemName="ISO+" value="3.5"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="PQ" value="8" >
<translation code="xxx138901" codeSystemName="SNOMED-CT" value="8">
<displayName value="capsules" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit="g" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit="mmol/l" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit="mmol" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" value="1.1" unit="mg/mL"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" value="1.1" unit="mg/mL" codingRationale="R"> 
<translation codingRationale="O" value="0.0011" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.19.10" code="grams/litre" /> 
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" unit="1">
<low xsi:type="PQ" value="1" />
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="2" />
No Format
<example xsi:type="PQ" nullFlavor="DER" unit="mL">
<expression mediaType="application/hl7-factor+xml">
<coefficient value="30" unit="mL/kg" />
<factor value="bodyMass" />

ISO MO - monetary amount
Mo.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<example xsi:type="MO" value="42" currency="AUD"/>

ISO TS - TimeStamp
Ts.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<sent_datetime xsi:type="TS" value="20110218101133+1000"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" value="19750621" updateMode="R"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" nullFlavor="NI" updateMode="D"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" nullFlavor="NI" updateMode="R"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" nullFlavor="NI" updateMode="K"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" value="20031101234511+0500"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="TS" value="1945"/>

ISO Collection Datatypes
Collection.pngImage RemovedImage Added

ISO DSET - discrete set

No Format
<example xsi:type="DSET_INT">
<item value="3"/>
<item value="6"/>
<item value="9"/>
<item value="11"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="DSET_INT">
<item value="11"/>
<item value="6"/>
<item value="9"/>
<item value="3"/>
No Format
<sTEL xsi:type="DSET_TEL">
<item value="tel:+11015551234" use="H" capabilities="voice" />
<item value="tel:+11995556787" use="MC" capabilities="voice sms" />
<item value="tel:+11015551235" capabilities="fax" />
<item value="" />
No Format
<sTEL xsi:type="DSET_TEL">
<item value="tel:+11015551234" use="H" capabilities="voice" updateMode="D" />
<item value="tel:+12315559876" use="H" capabilities="voice" updateMode="A" />
No Format
<sTEL xsi:type="DSET_TEL">
<item value="tel:+12315559876" use="H" capabilities="voice" updateMode="R" />
No Format
<sTEL xsi:type="DSET_TEL">
<item value="tel:+11015551234" use="H" capabilities="voice" updateMode="D" />
<item value="tel:+ 11015551234" use="H WP" capabilities="voice fax" updateMode="A" />
No Format
<sTEL xsi:type="DSET_TEL">
<item value="tel:+ 11015551234" use="H WP" capabilities="voice fax" updateMode="R" />
No Format
<sII xsi:type="DSET_II">
<item root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.971" extension="763491" reliability="VRF" scope="OBJ" />
<item root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.972" extension="351324" reliability="VRF" scope="VER" />
<item root="0282CA34-2E4E-4B9D-82A5-BD2BF8497940" reliability="ISS" scope="VW" />
No Format
<sREAL xsi:type="DSET_REAL">
<item value="3.1" />
<item value="3.5" />

ISO BAG - bag


No Format
<example xsi:type="BAG_TEL">
<item value="tel:+15556667777" use="H"/>
<item nullFlavor="UNK" use="WP"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="BAG_TEL">
<item nullFlavor="UNK" use="WP"/>
<item value="tel:+15556667777" use="H"/>

ISO LIST - Sequence


No Format
<value xsi:type="LIST_INT">
<value value="-7"/>
<value value="-7"/>
<value value="-8"/>
<value value="-8"/>
<value value="-9"/>
<value value="-9"/>
<value value="-9"/>
<value value="-7"/>
<value value="-7"/>
<value value="-8"/>
<value value="-8"/>
<value value="-9"/>
<value value="-9"/>
<value value="-9"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="LIST_INT">
<item value="3"/>
<item value="11"/>
<item value="6"/>
<item value="9"/>

ISO GLIST - generated sequence


No Format
<example xsi:type="GLIST_PQ" period="100" denominator="100">
<head value="0" unit="V"/>
<increment xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit="mV"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="GLIST_TS" denominator="1">
<head value="20020729203000"/>
<increment xsi:type="PQ" value="100" unit="us"/>

ISO SLIST - sampled sequence


No Format
<example xsi:type="SLIST_PQ">
<origin value='0' unit='uV'/>
<scale xsi:type="PQ" value='2.5' unit='uV'/>
<digit value="-4"/>
<digit value="-13"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-17"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-17"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-1"/>
<digit value="-17"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-16"/>
<digit value="-15"/>
<digit value="-13"/>
<digit value="-11"/>
<digit value="-10"/>
<digit value="-10"/>
<digit value="-9"/>
<digit value="-6"/>
<digit value="-4"/>
<digit value="-5"/>
<digit value="-5"/>
<digit value="-3"/>
<digit value="-2"/>
<digit value="-2"/>
<digit value="-1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="2"/>
<digit value="3"/>
<digit value=""/>
<digit value="7"/>
<digit value="8"/>
<digit value="9"/>
<digit value="10"/>
<digit value="11"/>
<digit value="12"/>
<digit value="13"/>
<digit value="15"/>
<digit value="17"/>
<digit value="19"/>
<digit value="21"/>
<digit value="23"/>
<digit value="25"/>
<digit value="27"/>
<digit value="29"/>
<digit value="30"/>
<digit value="30"/>
<digit value="31"/>
<digit value="34"/>
<digit value="37"/>
<digit value="40"/>
<digit value="43"/>
<digit value="45"/>
<digit value="4"/>
<digit value="46"/>
<digit value="46"/>
<digit value="46"/>
<digit value="46"/>
<digit value="47"/>
<digit value="49"/>
<digit value="51"/>
<digit value="53"/>
<digit value="55"/>
<digit value="57"/>
<digit value="59"/>
<digit value="60"/>
<digit value="59"/>
<digit value="58"/>
<digit value="58"/>
<digit value="58"/>
<digit value="57"/>
<digit value="56"/>
<digit value="56"/>
<digit value="56"/>
<digit value="57"/>
<digit value="57"/>
<digit value="5"/>
<digit value="53"/>
<digit value="50"/>
<digit value="47"/>
<digit value="45"/>
<digit value="74"/>
<digit value="51"/>
<digit value="38"/>
<digit value="33"/>
<digit value="31"/>
<digit value="28"/>
<digit value="25"/>
<digit value="21"/>
<digit value="16"/>
<digit value="14"/>
<digit value="15"/>
<digit value="13"/>
<digit value="9"/>
<digit value="7"/>
<digit value="4"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="-1"/>
<digit value="-3"/>
<digit value="-4"/>
<digit value="-6"/>
<digit value="-10"/>
<digit value="-12"/>
<digit value="-13"/>
<digit value="-12"/>
<digit value="-12"/>
<digit value="-17"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-18"/>
<digit value="-19"/>
<digit value="-20"/>
<digit value="-21"/>
<digit value="-20"/>
<digit value="-20"/>
<digit value="-20"/>
<digit value="-20"/>
<digit value="-2"/>
<digit value="2"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="0"/>
<digit value="0"/>
<digit value="0"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="2"/>
<digit value="2"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="0"/>
<digit value="-1"/>
<digit value="0"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="1"/>
<digit value="2"/>
<digit nullFlavor="UNK"/>

ISO HIST - history

No Format
<example xsi:type="HIST_TEL">
<item nullFlavor="UNK" use="WP H" validTimeHigh="199206"/>
<item value="tel:+15552225543" use="H" validTimeLow="199206" validTimeHigh="199207"/>
<item value="tel:+15556667777" use="H" validTimeLow="199207"/>

ISO QSET - Continuous set datatypes
Image AddedContinuous.pngImage Removed

QSET is an abstract type. a working QSET is specified as an expression tree built using a combination of operator (QSI,QSD,QSU,QSP) and component types (QSC, QSS and IVL; and for TS, PIVL and EIVL).

No Format
<example xsi:type="QSI_TS">
<term xsi:type='PIVL_TS' alignment='DW'>
<phase lowClosed='true' highClosed='false'>
<low value='20001202'/>
<high value='20001203'/>
<period value='2' unit='wk'/>
<term xsi:type='IVL_TS' lowClosed='true' highClosed='false'>
<low value='20020101'/>
<high value='20040101'/>
<term xsi:type='QSP_TS'>
<low xsi:type="QSI_TS">
<term xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<phase highClosed='false'>
<low value='19870525'/>
<high value='19870601'/>
<period value='1' unit='a'/>
<term xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<phase highClosed='false'>
<low value='19870105'/>
<high value='19870106'/>
<period value='1' unit='wk'/>
<high xsi:type="QSI_TS">
<term xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<phase highClosed='false'>
<low value='19870901'/>
<high value='19870908'/>
<period value='1' unit='a'/>
<term xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<phase highClosed='false'>
<low value='19870105'/>
<high value='19870106'/>
<period value='1' unit='wk'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='QSS_TS'>
<term value='20071101'/>
<term value='20071106'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='QSC_TS' >
<code code="JHCHRXMS" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1022"/>

ISO IVL_QTY - Interval
Ivl qty pq.pngImage RemovedImage Added

Ivl qty real.pngImage RemovedImage Added

No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" lowClosed="true" highClosed="true">
<low xsi:type="PQ" value="26.5" unit="pg"/>
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="33" unit="pg"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" highClosed="false">
<originalText value="<^0.1"/>
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="0.1" unit="/nL">
<translation code="x10*9/L" codeSystemName="ISO+" value="0.1"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" lowClosed="true" highClosed="true">
<originalText value="^50.0^-^55.0"/>
<low xsi:type="PQ" value="50.0" unit="%">
<translation code="%" codeSystemName="ISO+" value="50.0"/>
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="55.0" unit="%"> 
<translation code="%" codeSystemName="ISO+" value="55.0"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" lowClosed="true">
<originalText mediaType="application/x-hl7-SN" value=">=^0.5">
<description language="en" value="Original HL7 SN field value"/>
<low xsi:type="PQ" value="0.5" unit="/nL">
<translation code="x10*9/L" codeSystemName="ISO+" value="0.5"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" lowClosed="true" highClosed="true">
<originalText mediaType="application/x-hl7-SN" value="^50.0^-^55.0">
<description language="en" value="Original HL7 SN field value"/>
<translation mediaType="application/x-hl7-segment" value="OBX|11|SN|770-8^Neutrophils^LN^271035003^^SCT||^50.0^-^55.0|%^^ISO+|||||F">
<description language="en" value="Original HL7 Segment"/>
<low xsi:type="PQ" value="50.0" unit="%"/>
<high xsi:type="PQ" value="55.0" unit="%"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" lowClosed="true" highClosed="true">
<originalText value="0.37-0.47"/>
<low xsi:type="REAL" value="0.37">
<originalText value="0.37"/>
<high xsi:type="REAL" value="0.47">
<originalText value="0.47"/>
No Format
<value xsi:type="IVL_QTY" highClosed="false">
<originalText value="<^0.36"/>
<high xsi:type="REAL" value="0.36"/>

ISO IVL_INT - Integer Interval


No Format
<example xsi:type='IVL_INT'>
<low value='2'/>
<high value='4'/>

ISO IVL_PQ - Integer Interval

No Format
<example xsi:type='IVL_PQ' lowClosed='true' highClosed='false'>
<low value='2.8' unit='m'/>
<high value='4.6' unit='m'/>

ISO IVL_TS - Timestamp Interval


No Format
<example xsi:type='IVL_TS'>
<low value='200012041000'/>
<high value='200012041030'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="IVL_TS" lowClosed="true" highClosed="false">
<low value="19450101000000.0000"/>
<high value="19460101000000.0000"/>
No Format
<example xsi:type="IVL_TS" lowClosed="true" highClosed="false">
<low value="20020101" />
<high value="20040101" />

ISO PIVL - Periodic Interval

No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' isFlexible='true'>
<period value='12' unit='h'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' isFlexible='true'>
<numerator xsi:type="INT" value='2'/>
<denominator xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit='d'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' isFlexible='true'>
<numerator xsi:type="INT" value='7'/>
<denominator xsi:type="PQ" value="1" unit='d'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' isFlexible='true'>
<period value='3.4285714285714285714285714285714' unit='h'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<width xsi:type="PQ" value='10' unit='min'/>
<period value='12' unit='h'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' alignment='MY'>
<phase highClosed='true' lowClosed='false'>
<low value='198709'/>
<high value='198710'/>
<period value='1' unit='a'/> <!—- a means year in UCUM -->
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS' alignment='DW'>
<phase highClosed='true' lowClosed='false'>
<low value='20001202' />
<high value='20001203' />
<period value='2' unit='wk'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='PIVL_TS'>
<period value='5' unit='h' uncertaintyType='U'>
<uncertainty value='0.57735' unit='h'/>

ISO EIVL - Event-Related Periodic Interval of Time

No Format
<example xsi:type='EIVL_TS' event='CM'>
<low value='-1' unit='h'/>
<high value='-50' unit='min'/>
No Format
<example xsi:type='EIVL_TS' event='CV'>
<low value='30' unit='min'/>
<high value='30' unit='min'/>

ISO Uncertainty datatypes
Uncertainty.pngImage RemovedImage Added

ISO UVP - Uncertain value - probabilistic

No Format
<example xsi:type="NPPD_CD">
<item xsi:type="UVP_CD" probability="0.5">
<value code="22760-3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1">
<displayName value="Potassium SerPl-mCnc" />

ISO NPPD - Non-parametric probability distribution

No Format
<example xsi:type='NPPD_ST'>
<item probability="0.1">
<value value="Yankees"/>
<item probability="0.04">
<value value="Red Sox"/>
<item probability="0.05">
<value value="White Sox"/>
<item probability="0.08">
<value value="Indians"/>
<item probability="0.05">
<value value="Tigers"/>
<item probability="0.07">
<value value="Mariners"/>
<item probability="0.02">
<value value="Royals"/>
<item probability="0.06">
<value value="Orioles"/>

Table of Contents