Should you require any more information or have encountered a problem, please call the support helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.


This guide provides instructions for moving the Capricorn software to a new PC.


Please note - The same Capricorn cannot run on two PC's on the same network. You will need to make sure that you stop the process from running on the old PC or it can cause issues with receiving and sending Results.

On the old PC


Make sure the Capricorn isn't running before you transfer it to the new computer.

If the Capricorn is running as a tray

Right click the HL7 icon in the tray, and click on Shutdown. You will be asked if you want to shutdown the Capricorn software. Click Yes. 

If the Capricorn is running as a service

Go to the start menu, and click Run. Type Services.msc in the box, and click OK.


In the window that appears, Right click the service named CAPRICORN and select Properties. 

Under Service Status, click Stop. Under Startup Type, Change it to Disabled. This will stop the Capricorn from automatically trying to start. 

Moving the Capricorn folder

In your C:\ drive, find the folder named MO. Copy this entire folder to the new PC, keeping it in the same directory (C:\MO)


Make sure this folder has Read, Write and Modify permissions before you attempt to copy it. If you do not have the correct permissions, some files may be left behind. 

Once the files are copied, Rename or Remove the Capricorn.exe from the old directory. This will prevent the Capricorn from starting up again on that PC.

On the New PC

Navigate to the following link, and download the Medical-Objects Download client.

Run the installer, Making sure the install path matches the files that were transferred (C:\MO\Capricorn).

When the installer is complete, Launch the Capricorn application. 


You may have to reset the file paths for your practice management software from within the Capricorn. Please see these guides on how to configure the software. 

You can also set the Capricorn up as a service - Please see this guide HERE.

The transfer is complete. It is recommended that you contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk to send through a test message and ensure that your software is setup correctly. 

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