This article is to educate Medical Objects customers on how to bulk resend results.
If you require any assistance with the installation or configuration, or if you have any questions, please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.
Resending Results
Note this feature is only available in the Meridian and Equator combination using version and above.
- Choose Tools → Resend Results (Note if this option is greyed out you will need to speak with the helpdesk to have your permissions updated)

- Set the date range for the results to be resent. At least one recipient must be set.
- Add a single recipient at a time using Lookup → Lookup Staff Records
- To add all recipients at a practice use Lookup → Add from Routing Record (Enter the name of the practice though it may not exactly match. For example it may be missing Pty Ltd or Greenslopes instead of Green Slopes etc)
- When the variables have been set choose OK

Next you will be warned how many messages are going to be resent and can click OK if you want to proceed.

Delivery Status
Delivery of the resends can be checked on the delivery report per Checking Results Delivered
The resends can be clearly seen with "-RESEND" on the end of the identifier in the Message ID column of the delivery report.