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What is HL7?

Health Level 7 (HL7) refers to an international health care standards organisation known as Health Level Seven, Inc. HL7's original scope was the creation of standards for Hospital information systems. Since then, HL7 has been adopted worldwide as the standard to define the structure of clinical data and move records in and out of Electronic Health Records.

Everyday within Australia and around the world, health workers use HL7 as the means of communicating accurately the meaning of medical messages. HL7 as an open standard allows communication between a variety of providers on any software or hardware platform. HL7 is the means by which millions of pathology messages are delivered electronically to practices all over the country, and all over the world.

With Medical-Objects, HL7 is transparent to you as the user; it is simply something that is handled in the background, but you should feel comfortable with the fact that the HL7 messages that are sent are standards based and can integrate with compliant HL7 systems in Australia and worldwide.

Medical-Objects staff are involved in the ongoing development of HL7 in Australia and contribute to the standards process in a number of areas including Pathology Messaging and Referral and Discharge messaging. We regularly present at National Health IT meetings and you can be asured that if its coming we will be a part of it, or helped create it. We have a vision for a rich EHR (Electronic Health Record) and are working hard to realise the potential advantages of this. We have a history of cutting edge R&D and if you don't see what you want here contact us as the chances are we have it in development!

Medical-Objects® Presentations

Snomed-CT Presentation Presented at: NEHTA Snomed-CT Forum August 2007 SnomedNEHTA.ppt

GLIF - GELLO - Archetypes Presented at: HL7 Conference, Cologne Germany Glif-Gello-Archetypes.ppt

Snomed-CT, GELLO and Archetypes in HL7 V2 Presented at: HL7 Australia meeting December 2006 SnomedGELLOHL7.ppt

Encoding Snomed-CT and Archetypes in HL7 V2 Presented at: HL7 Australia meeting June 2006 ArchetypesandSnomedinHL7.ppt

The past, present and future - A vision for E-Health Presented at: Australasian Day Surgeries Association Conference (ADSA) 2005 ADSA-2005-Ehealth-Vision.pps

An object oriented HL7 framework Presented at: HL7 Australia Conference, November 2005. Medical_Objects_Framework.pps

Archetypes in HL7 v2.x Presented at: HL7 Australia Conference, November 2005. Archetypes_in_HL7.pps

A demonstration of Australian Innovation and capabilities in Health Informatics Presented at: Austrade Australian Health ICT Showcase, Singapore, March 2005. Medical_Objects_Singapore.pps

A Distribution Network using PKI or PGP and Architectural Barriers Presented at: HL7 Australia Conference, July 2004.Medical-Objects.pps

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