Should you require any more information or have encountered a problem, please call the support helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.


Listed below are the latest Medical-Objects CA Certificates. Depending on which browser you use, you will need to follow a different process for installing the certificates. For help installing these certificates please see the instructions below. If you are unable to successfully install the certificates please contact the support helpdesk.

Installation Instructions

Internet Explorer or Chrome (Windows)

  1. Click on the Root certificate link in the above table for the CA you wish to install.
  2. Open your Downloads folder and double click the file that just downloaded; it should end in .crt
  3. Click the 'Install Certificate' button.
  4. Select 'Current User' and click 'Next'.
  5. Select the 'Place Certificates in the following stores' option and click 'Browse'.
  6. Select 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' and then click the 'OK' button.
  7. Click the 'Next' and then 'Finish' buttons.
  8. Repeat the above steps but for the Intermediate link. Except placing this certificate in the 'Intermediate Certification Authorities' store.
  9. Exit your browser completely and re-open again.

Chrome or Safari (Mac)

  1. Click on the Root certificate link in the above table for the CA you wish to install.
  2. Open your Downloads folder and double click the file that just downloaded; it should end in .crt
  3. (Select login key chain if asked) Click the 'Always Trust' button when the Keychain Access prompt pops up.
  4. Repeat the above steps but for the Intermediate link.
  5. Exit your browser completely and re-open again.

FireFox (Windows/Linux/Mac)

  1. Click on the Root certificate link in the above table for the CA you wish to install.
  2. Select the option to 'Trust this CA to identify websites'.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Repeat the above steps but for the Intermediate link.
  5. Exit your browser completely and re-open again.

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