
This is guide to provide basic setup instructions for the Medical-Objects Capricorn to Import into Locum Software.


  1. Double click the HL7 tray icon.

    If the Capricorn HL7 tray icon is not visible, Open the Capricorn from the Start Menu > All Programs > Medical-Objects > Medical-Objects Capricorn, or from C:\MO\Capricorn\Capricorn.exe
  2. The Log window is displayed.

  3. Click the Edit Server Properties icon.

  4. Select Integration Options from the left hand panel.

    Set the Ack Management path to C:\MO\Capricorn\APPLICATION_ACKS

    Make sure the Incoming Modifier is set to Capricorn Modifier

    Make sure Convert to PIT and Preserve Sending Facility in PIT is checked.
  5. Click on Server Parameters from the left hand panel.

  6. Set the Message Output Directory (main) to C:\Program Files\Locum3\PATHOLOGY\Unprocessed

  7. Click Apply and OK.

Locum should automatically import results.