
A procedure to provide the configuration that will enable importing of electronic results and the provision of acknowledgements. This guide is written for Medical Director Version 3.12 and above.

If you require any assistance with the installation or configuration, or if you have any questions, please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.


Configuring Medical-Objects Capricorn


  1. Double click the HL7 tray icon. 

    If the Capricorn HL7 tray icon is not visible, Open the Capricorn from Start Menu > All Programs > Medical- Objects > Medical-Objects Capricorn or from C:\MO\Capricorn\Capricorn.exe.
  2. The Log window is displayed.

  3. Click the Edit Server Properties icon.

  4. Click on Integration Options.

  5. Set the ACK Management path to the C: Drive, For example:

    If the folders do not exist, you must create them.

    Please make sure the Results folder has the Modify, Read and Write permissions, AND is shared over the Network. 
  6. Select Server Parameters from the left panel.

  7. Under Message Output Directory (main), set the results import path.
    Set the path to match the following:

    If the folders do not exist, you must create them.

    Please make sure the Results folder has the Modify, Read and Write permissions, AND is shared over the Network. 
  8. The configuration is complete. Click Apply and OK.


Configuring Medical Director Incoming Correspondence and Acknowledgements


  1.  Open Medical Director (MD) 3.12.

  2. Once Medical Director (MD) has opened, select Tools then Manage Communications.

  3. The following window will appear.

  4. Select the Setup Data Transfer Tab.

  5. Click on Add to add a new rule for Medical-Objects. If Medical-Objects is already in the list please ensure it is configured correctly (see next step).

    Description: Please use Medical-Objects
    Category: Please use Medical-Objects

    If there is nothing in the Drop Down Box, Please type Medical-Objects into the box.

    Import Folder: Use a UNC path of the folder shared earlier - For example \\Mo\Results\In

    Export Folder: Use a UNC path of the folder shared earlier - For example \\MO\Results\Acks

    For Import and Export Folders, Please use the Network UNC Paths.
    EG: \\Server\Results\MD\IN and \\Server\Results\MD\Acks

    Check Boxes:
     Please Tick ALL four check boxes

    Click on OK.

  6. The Medical-Objects rule has now been created. Click on close in the bottom right hand-side.

  7. Once you click on close you will be prompted to save your work. Please click on Save.

    The configuration is now complete for Medical Director.