Setting up the address book

  1. Search for the provider in the Genie Address Book.

  2. Change to the Correspondence tab.

  3. Tick the Include PDF in letters checkbox.


This will need to be ticked in every provider they wish to send PDF to.

Setting up the patient file

  1. Search up the patient in the Genie patient database.
  2. Click on the Image Browser icon to open it up.

  3. Click on Add a New Record to upload the PDF into the Image Browser.

  4.  This will attach the PDF to the patient's file.

Attaching the PDF to the letter

  1. Create a new letter by clicking on the Red Quill.
  2. On the left hand side, select Expressions, then Attachments. 

  3. Choose the attachment you wish to include.

  4. Send off the letter as per normal.