
This guide provides instructions to configure Best Practice to drop off Medical Objects reports into the "Correspondence In" section rather than "Investigations".

If you require any assistance with this configuration, or if you have any questions, please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

Best Practice Configuration

Accessing Best Practice Configuration

  1. Once inside Best Practice, navigate to the top toolbar. Select Setup and then Configuration. Shift + F3 can also be used.

  2. In the configuration menu, proceed to Results Import.

Setting Storage Locations

  1. List report titles that you commonly receive. Best Practice will manage Storage Locations based off this. Some common report titles are Consultation Notes and Letter/Referral.

  2. Inside the Results Import configuration, open Set storage locations in the top right of the window.

  3. From here you can add a report title and choose which section it will allocate to by default.

  4. After this when the Doctor looks at the report in their inbox, it will default to the correct section as seen below.