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The Medical-Objects Delivery Report (or Delivery Report) enables you to see what messages have been received (or sent) through your Medical-Objects Software. This guide provides an overview of the new style of Delivery Report and each section within it.

If you have any questions or if you can’t load the Delivery Report, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

Video Guide

This video guide will cover the basics of accessing and understanding the Delivery Report. For additional Delivery Report details please see the written guides below. 

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Accessing the Delivery Report

The Delivery Report is your auditing tool to check if results have been sent or have arrived. It is recommended that it be checked frequently to make sure the software is functioning correctly.
There are several ways to access the Medical-Objects Delivery Report, depending on the software you have installed.

Desktop Icon

Once the installation of the Medical-Objects Download Client (Capricorn) is complete, an icon will appear on the desktop as shown above. If the software is installed on the server and the icon is an inconvenience to access, you can request Medical-Objects to install the icon on a front desk workstation for easier viewing.
If you have an MO Delivery Report Icon on your Desktop, you can double click it to open the Delivery Report.

Referral Client Software (Trinity)

If you are running the Referral Client Software, Right click on the tray icon and select View Delivery Report as shown above.

Word Plug-in Software

If you are running the Word Plug-in Software, right click on the tray icon and select View Document Delivery. You can also click on the Medical-Objects tab from Microsoft Word and select the Delivery Report button.


Please note that your Delivery Report is only accessible to your practice and Medical-Objects. Patient details will only be displayed to your practice.

If you have any issues opening the Delivery Report, or it does not display, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

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Understanding the Delivery Report

When the Delivery Report loads, it will display a screen similar to the one below by default. Details of the computer system the Download Client is installed on to will be displayed at the top right corner of the screen.Image Removed

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To view reports from a different date, you can enter the Start Date and the End date in the boxes as displayed


above, or enter the date directly into each field. Select the Refresh button to reload the report and display all received documents from within that date range.

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Select the Options button to Show or hide patient names, Use the Advanced View to see result details, and Print Friendly Version to display a printable version of the currently displayed delivery report.

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To filter your results, select the filter options icon (below) and select your desired filters, then type your query into the search field on the right hand side (below), and hit enter to search.

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Received Tab (Default) 

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This section will show you all results that have been received by the Medical-Objects download client. They are listed by date, imported status, patient name, who they are from, who they are addressed to, and the report type. You can sort these messages by any of these details by clicking on the heading.

Messages that have not yet been imported by your practice management software will appear in yellow (below), imported messages will have a green tick with the date and time in the Imported column.

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Delivered Tab

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This area will display a list of reports that have been sent out by your practice. Sending is only available to those on a Medical-Objects Sending Plan. If you would like to be set up for sending capabilities, Please contact Medical-Objects for more information.
The Delivered section will show the same fields as the Received section, As well as showing if the recipient has imported/viewed the document on the receiving side.

Processing Tab

The processing section will display any documents you have sent out, that have not yet reached their destination. This may be caused by the recipient’s software being offline, or an error on the receiver’s side when trying to import. If you see any results in this section for an extended period of time, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk to help resolve the issue.

Errors Tab

This section will display any results that have returned an error whilst trying to send. These can be caused by incorrect details in your practice software address book, or provider numbers being incorrect as the most common reasons. Should any results appear in this section, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk.

Undelivered Tab

Messages that appear here will do so because of an issue with sending. It may be that the provider number is no longer valid or incorrect - or simply caused by a permissions issue when the software is trying to send the message out. If you have any messages here, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk to assist.

If you require any assistance determining why these messages are causing issues, please contact the Medical-Objects helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

Printing Your Delivery Report

You can find a print friendly version of the Delivery Report under the Options menu.

Provider Lookup

The new Delivery Report contains a feature for easily looking up providers. Click on the Provider Lookup link on the left hand side to open this section.

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Once selected you will be taken to the Provider Lookup section.

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Here, there are multiple Search Types, where you can select what type of search you would like from the dropdown menu (see below).
The most commonly used is "Name"

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Once a Search Type has been selected you will be able to enter the details for the receiver in the Search Box.
The required search formatting will be listed above the Search Box (see below) and will change with each selected Search Type. 
For example, the formatting


for the Name Search Type is Surname <space> Firstname <search>.

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Click the Search button or press the enter key to view search results. From here you can select who you would like
to send to and this will copy their provider number to your clipboard. 

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Finally, from this page you can download the search result in XML format for any external use. Furthermore, you can see if the provider number is currently valid for the doctor by looking for the green tick in the online section.

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System Details

If you have used the Referral Client or Word Plug-in to access your Delivery Report you may want to access the machine hosting the Capricorn software to clean up the Delivery Report


To find these details click on the second last button in the top right of the Delivery Report (this should show name of the machine that hosts the Delivery Report).

On the next popup you can see the machine name and the installation directory, among other details.

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