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This guide provides instruction on configuring both Medical-Objects Capricorn and Audit4 software to import electronic results.

If you require any assistance with the installation or configuration, or if you have any questions, please contact the Medical-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.

If you have not Installed the Medical-Objects Download client, Please see the guide for Installing Capricorn on Windows.

Configuring Capricorn Software 

Accessing the Capricorn Configuration Window


In some cases, the Capricorn may be configured as a service. See this guide for instructions on how to launch the Capricorn if it is set up as a service. 

Excerpt Include
How to access Capricorn Configuration
How to access Capricorn Configuration

Capricorn Configuration Settings

  1. Click on Integration OptionsAck Management.
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  2. Set the ACK Management path Receivers path as below: 

    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 Server machine ) -->		C:\Inpath\MO\ACKs\ACKsOutgoing
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 client machine --> 		\\Server\Inpath\MO\ACKs\ACKsOutgoing

    2.1 Check Export Application Acks

    2.2 Set the ACK Management Senders Only path as below: 

    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 Server machine ) -->		C D:\Inpath\MO\Acks\AcksIncoming
    (Capricorn installed on an AufditAudit 4 client machine --> 		\\Server\serverInpath\MO\inpath\moacksAcks\AcksIncoming


    If the folder does not exist, you must create it. 

  3. Click on Integration Options.

    3.1 Check that the Incoming Modifier is set to Audit4.Capricorn Modifier
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  4. Select Server Parameters from the left panel.

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  5. The paths above are set as follows:

    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an audit 4 server machine) --> 
    Message output directory  						 DC:\Inpath\MO\Letters
    Save pathology: 									 DC:\Inpath\MO\Labs
    Save Radiology: 									 DC:\inpath\mo\Labs
    Capricorn installed on an Audit4 Client machine machine -->
    Message output directory 						  \\Server\Inpath\MO\Letters
    Save Pathology 									  \\Server\Inpath\MO\Labs
    Save Radiology 									  \\Server\Inpath\MO\LabLabs

  6. Make sure that Save All ORU In Pathology path is UNTICKED.

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    Select Manage Queues from the left panel. 
    The Managed Queue is created to convert letters to REF format so they don't import as a result in Audit 4.
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  7. In the Managed Queues menu click Add.
  8. The queue setup window will open.

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  9. Enter the details as outlined below.
    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit4 server machine) -->
    Queue name: 					Letter to REF
    Base Directory: 				D:\Inpath\MO\
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 client machine) -->
    Queue name: 				 	Letter to REF
    Base Directory:					\\Inpath\MO
    Click OK on the queue setup, click the queue named Letter toREF in the queues to watch for messages and click on Setup at the bottom of the configuration window. 
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  10. In the edit property window, we are going to setup the queue to convert the letters from ORU to REF for Audit4 import. On the right hand side, click on Add.

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    No Format
    Convert ORU Message to REF 				No additional settings. 
    Store Message in Folder 				Additional settings required. 
  11. Once you have added both decorators you will need to supply additional configuration for the Store Message in Folder. Highlight the Store Message in Folder decorator on the edit property window. Notice that there are additional configuration options displayed below the decorator list.
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  12. Leave the tickboxs on their default configuration and set the file path for the converted letters to be saved. 


    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 server)
    Store Message in Folder 					D:\Inpath\MO\Letters
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit4 client machine)
    Store Message in Folder						\\Server\Inpath\MO\Letter
  13. Click Apply and OK to save the Letters to REF queue and return to the Managed Queue configuration screen.
  14. On the Managed Queue screen, click Add.
    On the Queue Setup screen, name the queue and set its base directory.
    Image Removed
    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit4 server machine) -->
    Queue name 							ConvertACK
    Base Directory						D:\Inpath\MO\ACks\ConvertACK
    (Capricorn installed on an Audit 4 client machine) -->
    Queue name:						    ConvertACK
    Base directory 						\\Server\Inpath\MO\ACKs\ConverACK
    Select ConvertACK from the Queues to Watch for Messages and click Setup.
    Select Add from the right side of the Edit Properties window. 
    You can search the decorators by typing in their name when one of the decorators is highlighted.
    No Format
    Modify message with HL7 script. - Additional settings required. 
    Store message In folder - addition settings required. 
  15. In the Edit Properties, we need to add the HL7 Script to the Modify Message with HL7 Script configuration section. 
  16. You must paste the script exactly as shown below into the text box in the modifiers configuration. Be sure there are no extra spaces or empty lines at the top.

    Hl7 Script.
    Image Removed
    No Format
    Program Test;
    var i:Integer;
    	s : String;
    	//HL7 Data is a precreated object with the HL7Data loaded
    	for i := HL7Data.SegmentCount-1 downto 0 do
    		s := HL7Data.Segmentname[i];
    		if not ((s = 'MSH') or (s = 'MSA')) then
    		if s = 'MSH' then
    			if HL7Data.GetFieldvalue(i, 8, 0,0,0) = 'RRI' then
    				HL7Data.SetFieldvalue('ACK', i, 8, 0, 0, 0);
    				HL7Data.SetFieldvalue('R01', i, 8, 0, 2, 0);
    If you haven't already, You will need to add the Store Message in Folder Decorator to the ConvertACK Queue.
    Image Removed
    No Format
    (Capricorn installed on a Audit4 Server Machine) -->
    Store Message in Folder: 		D:\Inpath\MO\Acks
    (Capricorn installed on a Audit4 Client Machine) -->
    Store Message in Folder: 		\\Server\Inpath\MO\Acks
  17. Click Apply and OK to save the ConvertAcks Queue and return to the Managed Queue configuration Screen.
  18. Click Apply and OK to save the current configuration and to exit the Capricorn configuration editor.
    You have now completed the configuration for the Medical Objects Capricorn to download and send acknowledgements.

  19. Info

    If the folder does not exist, you must create it.


    It is important that these folders only exist on one PC (Usually always the server) as they can cause conflicts.

  20. Complete the Manage Queues section below.

Current Manage Queues

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PageWithExcerptManage Queues

Historical Manage Queues

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PageWithExcerptManage Queues

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PageWithExcerptManage Queues

Software for Specialists (Audit4) Configuration.


You will need to contact the Software4Specialist Help-Desk so that they can configure Audit4 to Import the Letters and Lab results and the export of Acknowledgments. 

No Format
Department: Support
Contact Number: 1300 133 308
Organisation: Software for Specialists (Audit4)


Audit4 will require the following Configuration:  

  1. Letters are to be imported from: DC:\Inpath\MO\Letters
    Or as Previously this was the path defined by the Convert Letters to REF queue’s Store Message in folder decorator (See step 12).
  2. Lab results are to be imported from: DC:\Inpath\MO\Labs
  3. Acknowledgements are to be exported to: DC:\Inpath\MO\AcksACKs\ConvertAck
    Or as ACKsOutgoing

    Previously this was the path defined by the Base directory for the ConvertACK Queue (see step 15)
  1. Queue.

(Capricorn installed on a Audit4 Server Machine) -->

i.      Store Message in Folder:             
(Capricorn installed on a Audit4 Client Machine) --> 
ii.     Store Message in Folder:              \\Server\Inpath\MO\Acks

19.  Click Apply and OK to save the Convert Acks Queue and return to the Managed Queue configuration Screen.

20. Click Apply and OK to save the current configuration and to exit the Capricorn configuration editor.

You have now completed the configuration for the Medical Objects Capricorn to download and send acknowledgements.

Software for Specialists (Audit4) Configuration. 

You will need to contact the Software4Specialis Helpdesk to that they can configure Audit4 to import the Letters and Lab results, and Export of Acknowlegements.


Department: Support

Contact Number: 1300 133 308

Organisation: Software for Specalists (Audit4)

Audit4 will require the following configuration: 

Letter are to be imported from: D:\Inpath\MO\Letters
Or as defined by the Convert letter to REF queue's Store Message in Folder decorator (See Step 13)
Lab results are to be imported from D:\Inpath\MO\Labs.
Acknowledgements are to be exported to D:\Inpath\MO\Acks\Convertacks
Or as defined by the Base Directory for the the ConvertACK Queue (See step 17)  

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