Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To refresh the contents of the folders simply click the refresh button () in the title bar. 

Loaded Patients

Contains any patients you've done a lookup on or retrieved all documents for.

You can remove a patient from this list by clicking the remove icon (Image Modified).

If you want to clear the folder and remove all patients you can click on the clear icon (Image Modified).

UnreviewedContains patients that have unreviewed documents. Selecting documents from this folder will give you the option to mark the document as reviewed. A Max of 50 unreviewed documents will appear in the list. To see new results you must mark results as reviewed once they have been actioned. 
Further Review

Contains patient documents that have been parked. A document can be parked by clicking the 'Park' document action button.

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Documents in this folder can only be accessed by the provider who made the original 'Park' request.

To remove a document from this folder click the 'Unpark' document action button.

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The Documents section will list all the documents for the selected patient that correspond to the folder the patient is in. For example if you select a patient in the Unreviewed folder, all unreviewed documents for that patient will be listed.


  • Pressing the space bar while viewing a document will scroll the document and then move to the next in the list.

Document Actions

ParkAdds the document to the Further Review sidebar folder.
UnparkRemoves the document from the Further Review sidebar folder.
HistoryLoads the transaction history of the document.
PrintAllows you to print the document.
Mark as ReviewedThis button is only visible when viewing a document from within the Unreviewed sidebar folder. It will mark the document as reviewed.
All DocumentsThis button will show up when viewing a document from any sidebar folder except the Loaded Patients folder. When clicked it will load all the documents for the patient of the currently selected document.

Viewing documents in grid


When the unreviewed results grid first opens, it displays 50 rows sorted by received date. To load more results, simply scroll down. As you approach 25 rows from the bottom, an additional 50 results will be automatically loaded while maintaining the existing order. You can load up to 10,000 results into the grid by scrolling. Once this limit is reached, further results will be blocked, and you’ll be prompted to apply filters for more precise access to the data you need.

Clicking on patient in the unreviewed folder will attempt to lazily load any additional unreviewed results for that patient from the server.

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Bulk Actions

You can select multiple documents in the grid and then perform an action on the selection. Currently the bulk actions available are:


  • You can hide or show columns via the grid menu () which can be accessed by clicking the far button on the grid.
  • You can drag to re-order columns. The position of columns will be remembered.
  • You can reset the grid layout by choosing Reset View from the grid menu.

Understanding the report

DateThe date the document was created.
PatientPatient name. SURNAME, First name (Date of Birth)
RecipientThe provider the document was addressed to.
Report TitleThe document title.
AuthorThe provider that authored the document.
To PracticeThe server name of the practice that the document was sent to. This is generally the practice name.

The status of the document. The most common are;

  • Final result - document stored and verified. Can only be changed with a corrected result.
  • Not yet verified - document stored but not yet verified.
  • Correction - correction to the document.
Delivery TypeThe software of the recipient that received the document.

This is a timestamp for when the document was delivered. It does not necessarily mean that the document has been viewed or reviewed - only that it has been delivered.

If this field is blank then the document has not been delivered.

ReviewedThe document has been marked as reviewed at the receiver's end. This column will only be populated if the receiver's Delivery Type is EQUATORDXTRAY. If not then it's best to look at the ACK column for an indication if the document has been acknowledged.

This column allows you to know whether or not the document has been acknowledged. To see what each icon in this column means; refer to the ACK Legend that can be found in the top right. Hover your mouse over each icon for a description.
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ViewClicking the icon in this column will display the document.

Viewing documents in the report
