Should you require any more information or have encountered a problem, please call the support helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000.


This guide provides and overview of how to update the Medical-Objects Referral Client (Trinity).

If you have an questions or require assistance with the update, Please contact Medial-Objects Helpdesk on (07) 5456 6000. 

Stopping your Medical-Objects Trinity before you update

  1. To stop Trinity from running just Right Click the tray icon M and select Admin and then Shutdown Trinity as Shown Below

  2. To make sure that Trinity is completely stopped press CTRL + Shift + ESC down the left hand side of your keyboard. This will open the task manager. Click on the Processes tab and select the Image Name column heading to list the processes by name (If you can select "show processes from all users", though it may not be possible for some users). See if you can find Trinity.exe running. If not you can follow the steps below. If you find Trinity.exe you may be on a terminal server and need everyone else to log off before you do the update (Please speak to your IT about this before you proceed.)

Upgrade installation and Configuration of Medical-Objects Trinity

  1. Download Referral-setup from: and download the Referral client from the link as pictured below. 

  2. Once you have downloaded the Trinity software, Double click on the Referral-setup.exe.
  3. Click Run and the new window will appear.

  4. Click Next.

  5. 5. Check that the default directory will be okay to use. Click Next.

  6. The next window will appear, Click Install.

  7. The next window will appear. Check the [ ] Start Referral Client box.

  8. Click Finish, the software can take up to 10 seconds to complete the final stage of the install. Once the software is installed you will observe the Trinity icon in the system tray, shown below. Your Referral client will now be updated to the latest Version.

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